CubeRun is a 3D game where the basic goal is to avoid cubes while the spaceship you control gradually goes faster and faster. It is inspired by an old flash game called Cubefield which I played a lot in high school in the late 2000s.
The game is built with react-three-fiber, a React reconciler for THREE.js that allows one to write the (regularly imperative) THREE code in a declarative, React-like manner. I mainly wrote it to become more familiar with react-three-fiber (and 3D graphics in general), but ended up really enjoying working on it. I spent a whole lot of time modelling my own spaceship in Blender, writing a synthwave-ish music track for it, as well as designing a cool logo. All in all I’m very pleased with the results.

Progress Pics

Kind of forgot to take more screenshots after this, these were all from very early in the project.